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-The state should help people who can not rob him!
-It's so impersonal, that have nothing to put on a mask!
-We were released, when they began to choose their masters!
-Some rich people consider the lack of money from other sign of inexperience!
-Yesterday, we were hoping for today!
-Most of the heretics burned at work!
-A total darkness came to light days!
-Pay me for the harm, while I -angel!
-Please do not interrupt me when I'm beat!
-Politician sees his conscience, as the ordinary voter!
-Not to be confused with his stone face body armor!
-Write history to become obituary!
-And under-write history are Herostrat autographs!
-Some people are brought up in the spirit of the time, while others are in the oven!
-He humiliates only those people who can not be destroyed!
-He broke all the stereotypes, and was punished for damaging public property!
-A cannibals do not want the extinction of mankind!
-Get away from us, do not disturb to be with you!
-Reconstruction ended up stealing the foundation!
-If all fall down, but you, so you have epilepsy?
-If nothing changes, then after a year you will not recognize us!
-They allowed the ship to sealing leaks!
-He was taken to clean water, and he swam away!
-He moved his culture, she lost the use of his legs!
-He made the fall to its highest pitch!
-Each of us live two people that kicking third!
-The world is not as cramped as broad your shoulders!
-That's not an empty head, and an ammunition dump!
-Enough to frighten our nation impoverished politicians!
-Winners are not judged if the losers are still alive!
-Freedom Wind blew so hard that the roof is gone!
-And on the question of the drought they said stream of verbal water!
-A policy of koloboks always talking heads!
-Maybe we released, to rebuild the prison!
-The crowd is ready to devour anyone who refuses to do it for you!
-All for the fight with hallucinations of his Majesty!
-Trustee deputy back!
-Some disadvantages are a solid wall!
-What kind of bubble does not consider himself a cannonball!
-Or rather you could not miss!
-Matches require fire extinguisher!
-We're rolling from a great height into a bright future!
-How is it okay if nostalgia hurts their native land!
Y executioner should be clean hands to the ax does not slide!
-We have the right to choose between the myths and legends!
-Your neck is in good hands!
A free people will choose to whom to kneel!
-If the country is on the verge of cannibalism, so the hungry will eat first!
Humanity die-off of immunity!
-We have lost all of their money for free!
-If the politicians do not have a future, then they begin to rewrite the past!
-Do not believe a bright future if it advertises sunglasses!
-Today, the Trojan horse may be even a TV!


© Сергей МЫРДИН, 08.02.2013 в 11:56
Свидетельство о публикации № 08022013115623-00321679
Читателей произведения за все время — 12, полученных рецензий — 0.


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