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Miss you every single day,
You are always on my way,
You are always in my mind,
Wish the fortune be more kind.

Thoughts of you are crossing head,
Slowly making me so mad.
About you I'm thinking now,
Wish to be with you somehow.

You're so strong, so brave, so nice,
But you're cold like piece of ice.
Yes, of course, in your eyes - fire,
But, I think, you're just a lier.

You are hunter, you don't care,
That I want you to be here,
That I want to be with you,
Cause I'm always missing you.

Think of you and dream of you,
And my poems send to you,
Though I know, that you're cool
And could be with me so cruel,

Though I know and understand,
Dream again to touch you hand.
And for you it's just a game,
You just like my pretty frame.

But there are so many women,
You should act, not only dreamen.
Every pretty girl - for you,
You don't care, that I love you.

And, I know, that you would like
Spend with me just one more night,
And at first I wanted too...,
But, I guess, that I love you...

© L@n@ (Светлана Яблоко), 20.06.2007 в 23:33
Свидетельство о публикации № 20062007233339-00030635
Читателей произведения за все время — 537, полученных рецензий — 1.


Голосов еще нет


Михаил Беликов
Михаил Беликов, 06.07.2007 в 10:27
Классно читается! Не обидишься, если скажу, что на англ. даже лучше получается. И ритм и рифмы... А может он родной язык? ;)))
"You are hunter, you don't care,
That I want you to be there,
That I want to be with you,..."

Наверное не there, а here (ну т.е. здесь, со мной!)? Или I want me to be there ?


L@n@ (Светлана Яблоко)
Приятно, что понравилось! Не обижусь, хотя, конечно, хотелось бы, что б на рууском языке получалось не хуже.:) А английский, наверное, можно назвать моим вторым родным языком, т.к. учила его с первого класса и продолжаю изучать в универе.
Наверное, действительно лучше поставить here...
Огромное спасибо!
С теплом и уважением, L@n@.:)
Шарапов Ш Ш
Шарапов Ш Ш, 06.07.2007 в 11:52
Nice going, easy readable. Good job.

I thought some of the words would sound and mean more English, if you do not mind of course.

Have a look!

1.You are always on my mind,

2. But you're cold like cube of ice.

3. In your eyes, I see the fire,
But, it seems, you're just(another) a lier.

4. You're a hunter and you don't care,
That I wanna you be here,
That I wanna be with you,
Cause I'm always missing you.

5. Think of you and dream of you,
This my verse is meant for you,
Though I know, that you're cool
But to me, you are so cruel,

6.Wish again to touch your hand.
But for you it's just a game,

7. You should act, not only dreamin'
Every pretty girl - by you,

8. And, I know, what you would like
Spend with me an overnight,

With respect and regards


L@n@ (Светлана Яблоко)
Thank you, Nemo. It's, really, very nice of you to have done such a piece of work, searching suitable words to change in my poem. But, after the attentive searching, I realized, that your versions couldn't transmit the feelings, that I felt while writing this poem. Because all of these words came from my heart. So, with all my respect to you, I won't change anything. But I'm very thankful to you for the review.
With respect, L@n@.
Иванка, 18.09.2007 в 21:59
hm... well, as always:) "that your versions couldn't transmit the feelings" - I can say the same (though I liked another variant too), because it is really very difficult to express thoughts and feelings, using words of another language.

You are hunter, you don't care,
That I want you to be here,
That I want to be with you,
Cause I'm always missing you.

...our missing feelings are hardly understandable sometimes...:( I would like to see people happy, dreaming and caring... to take care about others - it is a really very important moment in our life!

Nice words, I liked what I've read.

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