I hear its sound above my head so loudly...
And everyone who isn't worth a curse
Is nearby - to gild the lily proudly.
I feel how people touch and wrinkle names
By words, which clear mind could not remember.
However, I believe in innocence
Of any thought, that sparkles like an amber.
Until the real reason is concealed,
There's no permission to accuse somebody.
The truth is strong enough to hold the field
In any shake-up during stupid study.
And stars do not require to be close
To masterpieces of invented heaven.
Reality's a kind of overdose,
But I'm not dying to exist forever.
В заключительной строчке - двойной смысл. Её можно перевести как: ''но я не умираю, чтобы жить вечно''. А можно и так: ''но я не горю желанием жить вечно''. Автору ближе второй вариант. Буду рада услышать мнение англо-говорящих авторов сайта.