Hi is woke up one morning as
Free Honest Man in a country of scoundrels,
rose from the bench in the Campus Martius,
yawned, stretched, warmed at the Eternal Flame,
fumbled in karmamah-empty ...
scratched his forehead, well, think "dyke pray to God"
maybe help ...
but God had a very good mood,
and decided to help the Almighty
poslednimu free and fair man,
well, and says:
"Here you Dear two wonderful tools,
Mudra magic wand and Rubber,
wise will be calculated everywhere
where you will require money,
a rubber baton will
educate and instruct on the right path
all the bosses and other villains as well. "
Vyshev of trance fans to travel thought
"Mr. and fancies"
but there are like,
and even a hangover, too, did not prevent
opened the bag that would look kind realties trifle
and then baton,
"On where I found her"
he thought,
and remembered the vision of a conversation with God
So he decided to check this Mudra,
zashev to the nearest store,
and asked who was standing behind the counter prilavshey
brazen girls with dyed-mordoi
"Dike me some water bottle, beer and razlichnoy eatables for a snack,
saleswoman displeasure made a wry face brazen,
resting on the counter required,
asked him the money
He clasped his fingers in the shape of the Magic Mudra shown in a vision,
put it in his face painted fig-"here you "...,
face saleswoman changed, turned pale and passed obliging the form
"On any person who
I wanted him to send away "
she thought,
and obsequious voice asking the apologies extended a surrender of freedom in the amount of purchase,
"Okay I'm not vindictive,
Yes, and God has commanded to love all animals,
"said the saleswoman Righteous having taken delivery,
returning to the bench gave praise to God,
requisitions serpents and bite,
began to ponder what to do next
"So the material issue decided
we must now check the magic wand "
shook the hands of a club and slammed it on the other hand,
went to see the leadership of the nearest bank
in order to pay tribute to them and deserved to instruct on the right path.
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