Soul great gusts,
who the shovel, some for a pitchfork
who went to scrap, hook,
~ who is a hammer, ax,
The people gathered in the square,
drank, ate a little exercise,
decided to start the bank ..
protection of bald shaved,
slightly crushed and beaten,
money into road reserves,
went to knead your feet dirty,
entered at the beginning of the grocery,
toltomordyh all sellers
lovingly fucked on the table,
full of it burned,
products that would not pognili,
then decided to dress up,
the trendy boutiques have passed,
all understand what found
foppish appearance acquiring,
went to a brothel in jest,
fair maidens where they found
and soul went into the museum,
Museum of the guide,
Noodle weighed at least a year,
a culture of fast preobschivshis,
with her art of capturing,
that would be in my heart was not empty,
went to a gun shop
slightly waved it with a crowbar,
ammunition was dismantled
property to the hands cleaned,
went to the neighbors at the camp,
neighbors even though the guests did not wait
but its good they put
Thanks though not saying
and without a lot of thanks have
production throughout the year had enough
eating, drinking, singing songs,
in spiritual matters have succeeded
soul rested year
met again in the campaign people.
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© Скарамуш, 06.12.2010 в 10:45
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