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Автор: Скарамуш

Called bear Vinipuh,
He was a little mug
His friend,
was heels,
too easy to fool,
once the other two got together
beer, honey glut oneself,
And they went for a walk,
The Adventures of search,
now go and see a wolf,
on the horns of it, then click,
and kokam, in the face,
slapped a scoundrel,
go beyond seeing foxes,
They and his encore,
once red tail,
hurrying him crushed,
and little trod,
and even caught a squirrel
she was almost a virgin,
become a woman she
She gave birth to a goat
They even caught a mole
nadovali in his mouth,
They were caught on a donkey,
was stubborn, bellowed, kicking ...
ceased to be stubborn,
just a little tired he was,
from goat were the ears,
eat it with sushi
kolobok They were caught,
and the sides of his namyali,
became a square bun,
Now it kvadrobok,
even caught a parrot
his wings torn off,
with the serpent fought slowly,
launched into the sky,
and then the head of the table,
was salt cod,
still got to .... ana,
It was stupid, stubborn,
clever witch was
pushed it into the mortar,
and in turn, fought
but for the fact its in the swamp,
was hard work ...
They even caught a donkey
he shouted, "I do not goat
scored it anyway,
while playing dominoes,
in general as they walk,
and a little bit tired,
mudflows were thinking:
Every now and then so and so is not
somewhere will be Doomsday,
Here they found,
stepaaped, stomped ...
The lights went out in His sight,
World collapsed and withered,
End of the
world ...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What will happen in the end,
That poveduem later.
© Скарамуш, 01.12.2010 в 12:01
Свидетельство о публикации № 01122010120141-00191631
Читателей произведения за все время — 76, полученных рецензий — 0.


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