LATERNA MAGICA (Поэтические переводы)

Will hit
The bottom,
Dive in the mud,
In vileness. It will
Dig, open, and reveal,
Your core, then ruthlessly
Interrogate (if you are found)  
Inside its cold, dark underground,
Let out – beautiful, wing-like, frail –
Its blue-green-golden peacock’s tail.  
Twelve only frames* – you will be raised
To feelings’ summit, will be shown the way
That usually we don’t look, or think, or say –  
by mouth’s word,
Then wound you deadly by the sword
(and bring you balsam of some sort),
Will poison you with its love drink  
And place to ask in mirrors’ ink:
“Who are you?” – face to face –
And put a tart into your face!
That’s the orthography
And choreography
Possible only
In cinemato-
* Film’s speed in the projector is 24 frames per second.

© Геннадий Сакс, 07.05.2011 в 02:48
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